1-99 Agility Guide
Training your agility is essential in progressing your OSRS account, with increased run energy and the useful shortcuts.
Recent Agility Buff
7 more courses will soon give you Marks of Grace, including the level 1 Gnome Stronghold course.
Jagex also added 11 new agility shortcuts and reworked the existing shortcuts.
Agility is now more user-friendly for mobile players, where you can turn on obstacle highlights in the game settings.
Jagex recently made agility faster.
The XP rates increased by an average of 13.4% across 13 agility courses.

Perks Of Agility
With the skill, you can earn and unlock the graceful outfit, which increases run regeneration. Another perk of agility is access to several useful shortcuts throughout Gielinor. You can skip past tedious areas, or you can get away from PKers.
Agility is one of the most useful skills in the game.
Leveling up increases the speed at which your run energy regenerates.

Your Path To 99
Rooftop Agility Courses: repetitive, low-risk & profitable (70K XP/HR Max Rate)
Brimhaven Agility Arena: recently became more viable with updates (67K XP/HR Max Rate)
Hallowed Sepulchre: best agility xp in the game (105K XP/HR Max Rate)
Wilerness Course: can make up to 2.8 mil gp per hour (60K XP/HR Max Rate)
Prifddinas Course: similar to rooftop agility (66K XP/HR Max Rate)
On your journey to 99 agility, the majority of your training will usually be done at 5 different methods.

Outside of these five methods, there are some niche methods.
Like at level 15 Agility, you can boost to train at the Brimhaven Agility Arena. This is the best XP per hour at that level.
If instead, you choose to do Barbarian Fishing, you can skip a lot of the slow early agility levels. If you barbarian fished from when you unlock it to 99 fishing, you would reach level 74 agility.
There's also AFK player-owned house Agility, which provides the longest AFK times for the skill, but it does have its downsides.

Low Level Training
Questing is the fastest way to level up at a low level. You can complete the Tourist Trap quest to go from level 1 to level 26 Agility. Further, you can complete the Recruitment Drive, Depths of Despair, and The Grand Tree quest to reach level 33.

Regular Training
If you're not into questing, there's a wide range of low-level training options available for agility. The Draynor rooftop course no longer has a 10 agility requirement, making it an easily accessible agility training method right off Tutorial Island.
Brimhaven Spike Trap (Level 15)
Once you reach level 15, you can boost with a summer pie to repeat the spike trap obstacle in the Brimhaven agility arena. Without boosts, this requires 20 agility and provides up to 30k xp per hour.
Compared to other methods at 20 agility, this is a fast method, for example, the Al Kharid rooftop course only gives 12k xp per hour. If you want to learn more about this method, skip to the Brimhaven agility arena section of this guide.

Barbarian Fishing (Level 30)
Once you’ve reached level 30 agility, you can do Barbarian Fishing. If you're planning to get 99 fishing one day, it's not a bad idea to do it first to save you from the slow XP rates of low-level agility.

Rooftop Courses
There are no requirements to partake in rooftop agility.
Rooftop agility is a mindless way to train agility, where the course does not change, and it’s highly repetitive. It's also profitable - the marks of grace you get can be converted to amylase crystals, around 9k worth per mark.

You make your way to the course starting point, denoted by the agility icon on the map. At level 1, you can train on the Draynor Village rooftop course, located just north of Spria's house, the Draynor Slayer Master.
The following pathway takes 250 hours of playtime.
Draynor: 1-20
Al-Kharid: 20-30
Varrock: 30-40
Canifis: 40-50
Falador: 50-60
Seer's Village: 60-70
Pollniveach: 70-80
Rellekka: 80-90
Ardounge: 90-99
It is possible to boost with a Summer Pie to access the next course 5 levels early which slightly speeds up your XP per hour.
At 70 agility, your course of choice will change depending on what achievement diaries you've completed.
With the Hard Desert diary completed, the Polniveach course is the fastest at level 70 since the diary boosts your xp rates by 15%.
If you don't have the Hard Desert Diary completed, then the Seers rooftop course is better but only if you have the Hard Kandarin diary. This diary lets you teleport to Seers Village with a Camelot teleport, which speeds up your lap times.
If you don't have either of those diaries, then your best option is the Polniveach course.

Some other achievement diary tiers improve rooftop agility.
The Kandarin Easy and Medium diaries increase the number of Marks you get.
The Ardougne Elite Diary increases the rate of marks by 23.5% on the Ardougne Course, which is a lot.
If you're on mobile, you'll definitely want to go into your game settings and turn on obstacle highlights. This highlights the obstacles on most agility courses.

If you're on PC you'll want to turn on the agility plug-in on Runelite to get the obstacle highlights.
Players get the full rate of marks if they are no more than 20 levels higher than the course level. Otherwise, the marks will only spawn at a rate of 20%. This rule does not apply to the Canifis course, making it decent for marks at all levels.

Brimhaven Arena
Here, you navigate obstacles to reach ticket dispensers around the arena.
The idea is that you need to make your way through the obstacles towards the highlighted dispenser, and once you tag it you get tickets which you can exchange for rewards and experience.
In the recent agility update, you now receive 2 different tickets when you tag the dispenser.
You get an agility arena ticket which converts to 345 agility experience per ticket. If you have Karamja gloves 2 or higher, then they give 379.5 xp each. The amount of experience does not scale with your agility level, making it a fast training method for lower-level players.
Alongside the arena ticket, you receive a Brimhaven voucher. This can be exchanged at the store for a range of item rewards. You can buy toadflax, snapdragons, amylase crystals, a pirate hook, as well as a dark blue Graceful recolor.
The Brimhaven Agility Arena provides competitive XP rates at all levels.
At just level 20, you can get 30k xp per hour. It scales up to 67k xp per hour at level 99. It's not worth doing if you're under level 20, or 15 with summer pies, you won't be able to reach the dispensers.

Getting There
The fastest way there is with an Achievement Diary Cape teleport.
Amulet of Glory teleport to Karamja, and run west.
Spirit Tree or a House Portal in Brimhaven.
Recommended Items
200 coins to enter the agility arena (more if you logout/leave)
some food
complete Graceful outfit
Arena Guide
As you go down the ladder, you'll notice an arrow on your minimap. This is pointing to the highlighted ticket dispenser, which is where you need to go to get your tickets.
The first dispenser in a session now rewards you with tickets, whereas previously you had to tag 2 in a row to get tickets.

Within the Brimhaven agility arena, there are 14 Different types of obstacles throughout, placed in a large square formation.
At level 20 agility or 15 with a summer pie, the training method is a little different. You should continuously attempt the spike trap obstacle for around 30k xp per hour.
To do this effectively, I recommend using Runelite with the detached camera plugin. That way, you just click in the center of the trap and your character will continuously maneuver the obstacle.

Once you reach 40 agility, you're able to complete all of the obstacles in the arena, giving higher xp rates than repeating the Floor Spike Obstacle.
For the fastest experience, you should aim to tag the highlighted dispenser, then repeatedly complete an obstacle nearby for xp.
Alternatively, you can also train fletching or magic while you wait for the next highlighted obstacle.
Wilderness Course
The course is located deep in the Wilderness making it a popular PK hotspot, especially due to the lucrative rewards from the course.
With the recent update, if you pay 150k coins, you get tickets for completing laps where each lap currently averages 10k in loot.
But, if you complete more laps in a session, you get more profit, moving the average loot after 60 laps to 40K. This means you could get up to 2.8 mil gp per hour with a high lap count.
It was recently reworked to be highly profitable, and it's currently the fastest agility experience between levels 47 and 62.

Recommended Items
Dinh's Bulwark
Dragonhide armor
Food & Potions
A lap of the course starts with the pipe shortcut, then you navigate to the rope swing. Then the stepping stones, and you then balance across a log, and then you climb the rocks. After completing a lap, you need to tag the agility dispenser nearby to receive your rewards.

Hallowed Sepulchre
The idea of the Sepulchre is you navigate through 5 floors of complex agility obstacles. It's currently 1.8mil gp per hour at high levels which is a great bonus while getting highly competitive XP rates. From level 62, you can get up to 50k xp per hour, scaling up to 100k above 92.
This method is the fastest experience between levels 62 and 99, although comparably requires more focus.

XP Rates
Level 52: ~45k XP/HR
Level 62: ~58k XP/HR
Level 72: ~67k XP/HR
Level 82: ~75k XP/HR
Level 92: ~100k XP/HR
Quest: Sins of the Father (to access Darkmeyer)
Minimum 52 Agility for Floor 1 (The level required per floor goes up in intervals of 10 from 52.)
High Hitpoint Level
66 Thieving
56 Construction
54 Prayer
7 Magic
62 Ranged
Inventory/Gear Setup
When partaking in the Sepulchre, this should be your inventory and gear setup when it's your first time there. You should also bring a Saradomin item to enable run energy restoration at the magical obelisks, and for players who are more comfortable with the traps, the ring of endurance is a good choice since it doubles your stamina potion effects.

There are 5 traps within the Hallowed Sepulchre, and higher floors have more difficult variations and combinations.
You'll notice blue and yellow tiles as you go through, the blue tiles teleport you forward, and the yellow tiles teleport you backward.
The priest who creates 3x3 lightning.
The wizard which creates a line of fire.
The knight who vaults a Saradomin sword.
The crossbow statue shoots bolts that you must avoid.

The first floor begins with a 2-minute timer, and for every floor you complete, you get another 2 minutes added to the timer. If you don’t complete the floor within 2 minutes then the path to the next floor closes and you have to restart.
Floor 1 - 4 Layouts
Floor 2 - 4 Layouts
Floor 3 - 2 Layouts
Floor 4 - 2 Layouts
Floor 5 - 1 Layout

Sepulchre Tips and Tricks
Tile markers are extremely helpful here, and you can import the tiles from runemarkers.net, or you can use the Pastebin in the description to copy them to your client.
The agility Runelite plugin is also extremely helpful where you can configure highlights and indicators for all of the sepulchre's traps.
In terms of looting, all players should at least be looting the grand coffin at the end because of the chance to receive a ring of endurance, which is 26 mil right now.
If you're looking for profit or the black graceful set, you should loot the chests above and including floor 3. If you're above 92 agility, then you should only loot floors 4 and 5.
The yellow and blue portals grant 2 ticks of immunity where some traps can't hit you, which makes them a useful tool when navigating through floors.
When looting a coffin, a lockpick will significantly increase the speed at which you open it, and a strange old lockpick makes this even faster.
At the end of each floor, there are Saradomin pillars where you can use the pillar to restore 100% of your run energy. To use this effect though, you need to be wearing at least one Saradomin item.

Reward Shop: Best Unlock order
100 Marks each
Hallowed Grapple
Hallowed Focus
Hallowed Hammer
Hallowed Symbol

If you're going for the fastest set of black graceful, and not planning to stay at the Sepulchre, then only the grapple is worth it. With 200 marks, it's recommended to pay for a private instance of the Sepulchre so that the traps always start on the same tick, and no other players mess up your timing.
For players who are less comfortable with the traps, you can buy a hallowed ring for 250 marks. This makes it so that you respawn faster after getting hit by a trap, and also removes all damage.
Prifddinas Course
This is unlocked at level 75 agility, and it requires the Song of the Elves quest to partake. The course is very relaxed compared to the Sepulchre, it is comparable to rooftop agility.

Crystal Shards
While you navigate the course, you'll come across crystal shards. At an hourly rate, the crystal shards you get will be worth around 300k after converting the shards to divine super combat potions.

The course starts at around 50k xp per hour at level 75, scaling up to 66k xp per hour at higher levels. The starting point for the course is in the northwestern region of Prifddinas, you’ll notice the agility icon near the bank.
Occasionally while traversing the course, a portal shortcut will open up and if you are paying attention, you should always opt to take this shortcut as it does increase your xp rates.
Useful Tip
Use the "Prifddinas" Runelite plugin, which enables low detail mode in the Prifddinas area. This reduces lag and clutter while doing this course
Low Effort Methods

AFK POH Agility
Inside a player-owned house, you can maintain the aggression of a Tzhaar Ranger to lure you through a number of floor traps.
To do this, you need a house with this dungeon formation which currently costs about 1.2 mil to create. It doesn’t need to be your house, so you can use another person if you don’t have the construction requirements.
Brimhaven Spikes
This is comparable to thieving at Ardy Knights where you can click in one place repeatedly.
With a wireless mouse, you can stick something to the sensor so that it doesn’t move the mouse, then you can move around the house while spam-clicking to continue gaining agility experience.
Barbarian Fishing
Barbarian fishing is another low-effort method, and going to 99 fishing here will get you to 74 agility AND strength. If you're 3 ticking and cutting the fish, you can expect around 80 cooking as well, but this does require a lot more effort. For more info about barbarian fishing, refer back to the low-level training section of this guide.
Then, you use protect from ranged, and spam click towards the Tzhaar ranger until it's attacking you. Then you can AFK with auto retaliate on, and you'll gain agility xp. If you fail a trap, you get sent back to the start, and then you target the Tzhaar ranger automatically.
In terms of xp rates, it's not great. You can get 1k to 12k agility experience between levels 1 and 99. So it's far slower than traditional methods, and you might find it a bit frustrating too.
This is because you'll sometimes run all the way to the Tzhaar ranger and you'll die from being melee-d. So to avoid this, you will need to monitor your player.

Agility Pet Chance
Rooftop Agility: 44% chance of getting the pet from 1 to 99
Brimhaven Agility Arena: there's a 59% chance of getting the pet going from 1 to 99 agility
Sepulchre: 49% chance from 52 to 99
The squirrel is one of the rarer skilling pets, where you'll find there's around a 50% chance of getting the pet when you're going for 99.

Despite having a 59% chance of the pet, the Brimhaven Agility Arena is not actually the best way to get it.
If you really want an agility pet, then you should check out the Penguin Agility course.
On average, it takes 4 million agility experience to be on rate at the penguin course, which is considerably less compared to other methods although the penguin course is quite a bit slower xp per hour.